Blogger Pembela Negara (BPN) wars against antijihadist and their counterparts started few months ago. It was when we noticed their insulting, defaming, agnostic, maligning blogging activities.
To Anti Jihadist and groups.
I would like to shot you some questions.
How do you categories terrorist and violent? What are your opinions for the atrocities below?
a. Done by the Nazis during world war 2 that had taken millions of life.
b. The ethnic cleansing done by Nazis to million of Jews in ghetto camps. They burned million of Jew just to get their fats to produce candle.
c. Japanese military invasion during world war 2 that had also claimed millions of life. Have you forgotten hundred of thousand people were killed and raped during the invasion called ‘Nanking Rape’?
d. The dropping of atomic bomb by the American in Hiroshima and Nagasaki that had killed hundred thousands of life where some were vanished turned into vapours instantly.
e. The slaughters done by Pol Pot and Khmer Rouge regime that savagely tortured and killed millions of lifes..haha had you never heard of killing field?
f. The atrocities and ethnic cleansing done by Serb toward Bosnian people in Sarajevo. The Bosnian were hammered on their head to death and some were buried alive.
g. American military operations and occupation in Iraq that killed hundred of thousands and had caused millions more to suffer. The usage of deadly Cluster Bombs to kill more. Surprisingly at the end no biological weapon or nuke war head were found. It was later stated out a mistakes by Bush administration…fake intelligence evident. Hahaha a mistake by super power with super technology country such as America… unbelievable!!
h. Occupation campaign done by the Russian to occupied Afghanistan that claimed life thousands of innocent. The usage of sophisticated Mig aircraft and battle tanks to fight ill equips fighters. Also, you like to hear this; the usage of Toy Like bomb and those killed or amputated were mostly children.
I supposed, to you those acts of atrocities can’t be categories or relate as terrorist or terrorism acts because they were not done by Muslims… am I right?
And I like you to categories this also:
a. Hundred of thousand Afghanistan freedom fighters were killed defending their country from Russian Invasion.
b. 60 years of struggle by the Palestinian people to defend their dignity and to free their occupied land from hostile Israelis.
c. Decade of oppression and suffering endured by the Kashmir’s people and independent fighter.
d. Thousand of Chechens independent fighters were killed by the Russian military aggressions.
e. The decade of atrocities and oppression done by the Thai’s military that claimed the life thousands of Patani’s independent fighters.
f. Decade of oppression and atrocities done by Philippine military that killed thousands of Mindanao’s civilian and Moro’s independent fighters.
g. The atrocities by Hindus in Gujarat where 2000 Muslims were killed and burned alive. It started after 60 Hindus dead when a train caught fire and blamed to be the work of Indian Muslim. Later Indian’s Court Authority found out that the fire was due to internal accident in the train and was not due to sabotage by Indian Muslim.
These people that you and your infidel groups called extremist or terrorist are actually a freedom fighters who are fighting for their dignity and freedom.
I never agreed with terrorism neither suicide bombing but I challenged the world to provide enough weapons to them. Lets them defend their self thus you all won’t see any more suicide bombing ever.
To you Anti Jihadist group, not all non-Muslim hated Muslim and vice versa. I feel that you and your associates with wicked crusade campaign purposely planning to cultivate deep hatred toward Muslim and kick-up the spark for World War 3.
Let’s stop them from destroying the world.
To Anti Jihadist and groups.
I would like to shot you some questions.
How do you categories terrorist and violent? What are your opinions for the atrocities below?
a. Done by the Nazis during world war 2 that had taken millions of life.
b. The ethnic cleansing done by Nazis to million of Jews in ghetto camps. They burned million of Jew just to get their fats to produce candle.
c. Japanese military invasion during world war 2 that had also claimed millions of life. Have you forgotten hundred of thousand people were killed and raped during the invasion called ‘Nanking Rape’?
d. The dropping of atomic bomb by the American in Hiroshima and Nagasaki that had killed hundred thousands of life where some were vanished turned into vapours instantly.
e. The slaughters done by Pol Pot and Khmer Rouge regime that savagely tortured and killed millions of lifes..haha had you never heard of killing field?
f. The atrocities and ethnic cleansing done by Serb toward Bosnian people in Sarajevo. The Bosnian were hammered on their head to death and some were buried alive.
g. American military operations and occupation in Iraq that killed hundred of thousands and had caused millions more to suffer. The usage of deadly Cluster Bombs to kill more. Surprisingly at the end no biological weapon or nuke war head were found. It was later stated out a mistakes by Bush administration…fake intelligence evident. Hahaha a mistake by super power with super technology country such as America… unbelievable!!
h. Occupation campaign done by the Russian to occupied Afghanistan that claimed life thousands of innocent. The usage of sophisticated Mig aircraft and battle tanks to fight ill equips fighters. Also, you like to hear this; the usage of Toy Like bomb and those killed or amputated were mostly children.
I supposed, to you those acts of atrocities can’t be categories or relate as terrorist or terrorism acts because they were not done by Muslims… am I right?
And I like you to categories this also:
a. Hundred of thousand Afghanistan freedom fighters were killed defending their country from Russian Invasion.
b. 60 years of struggle by the Palestinian people to defend their dignity and to free their occupied land from hostile Israelis.
c. Decade of oppression and suffering endured by the Kashmir’s people and independent fighter.
d. Thousand of Chechens independent fighters were killed by the Russian military aggressions.
e. The decade of atrocities and oppression done by the Thai’s military that claimed the life thousands of Patani’s independent fighters.
f. Decade of oppression and atrocities done by Philippine military that killed thousands of Mindanao’s civilian and Moro’s independent fighters.
g. The atrocities by Hindus in Gujarat where 2000 Muslims were killed and burned alive. It started after 60 Hindus dead when a train caught fire and blamed to be the work of Indian Muslim. Later Indian’s Court Authority found out that the fire was due to internal accident in the train and was not due to sabotage by Indian Muslim.
These people that you and your infidel groups called extremist or terrorist are actually a freedom fighters who are fighting for their dignity and freedom.
I never agreed with terrorism neither suicide bombing but I challenged the world to provide enough weapons to them. Lets them defend their self thus you all won’t see any more suicide bombing ever.
To you Anti Jihadist group, not all non-Muslim hated Muslim and vice versa. I feel that you and your associates with wicked crusade campaign purposely planning to cultivate deep hatred toward Muslim and kick-up the spark for World War 3.
Let’s stop them from destroying the world.
There are some truly evil people out there have the capability of manipulating those stories and make it looks as if the terrorism were being planned by the Jihadist group.
It is actually only their phobia towards criminals which uses Islamic as their act platform. Consequently, Islamic today look so cruel not only to other religion followers but also to muslim devotee.
What looming we now, they does not seem can distinguish criminal and jihad fighter, whereas Islam seriously condemn any action that can ruin ummah’s well-being. Too sad, they not understood jihad in real meaning.
Believe me, no other way to stop defamation from them. It is now our responsibility as a Muslim to explain to them the beauty of our religion.
yes, thats very true abg tuah..they only see muslims from their own perspective and continue to ignore the truth of the ISLAMIC religion itself where ISLAM oppose any kind of violent unless the enemy of islam started first..
and all the so called 'terrorist or extremist' just a mujahideen that fight and sacrifice against the real terrorist which the culprit is the US president..
tq komen back up dari abang tuah !!!
Mereka sudah panas... kita akan tetap lawan sampai jadi arang.
salam perjuangan..
BPN dengan satu suara satu arah satu akidah
“SHOAH” dalam bahasa Hebrew (Bahasa rasmi Yahudi) bermakna bencana besar dan kemusnahan besar-besaran.Ia juga digelar sebagai‘Holocaust’ dalam bahasa Inggeris.Semasa Perang Dunia Kedua, Hitler dan parti Nazinya yang begitu benci pada Bangsa Yahudi telah bercadang untuk menghapuskan keturunan Yahudi di Jerman.Penghapusan bangsa Yahudi(etnic cleansing) ini telah dilakukan berperingkat-peringkat oleh Pemimpin Parti Nazi Hitler.Dalam peringkat pertama, semua rakyat keturunan Yahudi telah dimansuhkan kerakyatan dan mereka hak kemanusiaan diabaikan.Peringkat kedua, menjalankan penangkapan besar-besaran kesemua keturunan yahudi di Jerman dan disumbatkan kedalam kem-kem tahanan yang khas dibinauntuk tujuan ini.Mereka dijadikan sebgai hamba.Di peringkat ketiga dan akhir, memindahkan tahanan yahudi ke Eropah Timur untuk penghapusan bangsa Yahudi di Jerman secara total, dilakukan dengan pembunuhan beramai-ramai oleh pasukan khas Hitler ‘Einsatzgruppen’.”Holocaust’adalah perkara yang taboo untuk bangsa Yahudi yang telah menyebabkan kesengsaraan yang dasyat dan kematian yang melebihi ratusan ribu.Kesengsaraan bangsa yahudi Jerman pada masa itu telah mendapat simpati dari negara-negara Eropah dan Amerika.Bangsa Yahudi ini juga memang pandai dalam mendapatkan simpati dalam ertikata lain ‘Propaganda’.Bangsa laknat ini juga pandai manupulasi simpati (propaganda) ini untuk menjayakan rancangannya untuk membina sebuah negara yang terkuat di rantau negara-negara Islam Teluk dengan bermandikan darah para Mujahidin Islam Palestin.Yahudi –Yahudi laknatullah ini juga menggunakan cara Nazi ini untuk menghapuskan Bangsa Palestin dari muka bumi Negara Palestin.
Sejak 10 hari ini (sewaktu menulis) lebih 500 kebanyakan orang awam Palestin telah terkorban dan 2,500 orang lagi tercedera akibat serangan ganas negara Yahudi.Penduduk Gaza kini diancam pula dengan kebuluran,tiada bahan api, kemudahan asas dan ubat-ubatan.1.3 BILLION umat Islam hanya jadi penonton yang simpati seperti penonton kemalangan Jalan Raya menghadapi hanya 7 juta Yahudi dan keluasan Negara Cuma 21,946 km/persegi.Di luar terdapat lebih kurang 7 juta tetapi merekalah memainkan berperanan utama untuk melobi simpati yang amat terpangaruh,menguasai media,system kewangan dan perbankan, hiburan dan perkhidmatan Internet.Kemegahan negara Yahudi ini memuncak apabila mereka dapat mengalahkan tentera dari Jordan,Mesir dan Syria pada 1967!.Sehingga memaksa negara-negara ini menyetujui plan Damai yang diterajui oleh Amerika(AS).Pemimpin dunia yang jaguh dalam Hak Asasi manusia senyap,Badan dunia seperti UN,NAM,EC,NATO tidak lagi kedengaran.Pemimpin –pemimpin dunia seperti Bush,Obama,Nicol Sarkozy tidak melakukan apa-apa Cuma menyalahkan Hamas!.OIC Cuma badan yang O0! I will see saja.Negara-negara Islam yang kaya Cuma memperhebatkan lagi pembinaan kapal-kapal mewah,bangunan-bangunan pencakar langit,berebut-rebut membeli harta-saham mewah dan telah menjdi pencacai untuk bos-bo Mat salleh Amerika.SEKALI LAGI ISLAM MERATAP DAN MERAUNG KERANA NEGARA –NEGARA ISLAM CUMA LEMAH DALAM SEGALA-GALANYA!!!!!!wassalam.
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